Neuro Emotional Technique
A holistic approach to healing, bringing balance back into your life.
Neuro Emotional Technique –Acupuncturist in San Diego, CA
Neuro Emotional Technique
In Chinese Medicine all health problems stem from emotional imbalances. All emotions are valid, but need to be processed, not held onto.
It’s when we hold onto feelings and emotions, that the imbalances start.
The issues are stored in the tissues!
Neuro Emotional Technique is a unique therapy. I use it alone or in conjunction with acupuncture. It helps process and release harmful emotions.
“NET is a mind-body technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress patterns. We call these unresolved patterns Neuro Emotional Complexes (NECs).” –
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Neuro Emotional Technique: Connection of Body and Mind
Neuro Emotional Technique is the understanding of the connection between physiological, emotional, and mental wellness.
When you have physiological imbalances, it can cause both emotional and mental imbalances, and vice versa.
NET is also great for chronic conditions that no other modality has helped. Just needles used in acupuncture alone, may still leave unresolved emotional imbalance.
Negative Stored Energies
Energy stored in your body can cause neurological imbalances. These imbalances can lead to stress-related emotional, physical, and behavioral conditions. Things such as anxiety, stress, self-sabotaging, body pains, headaches, phobias, and much more, can be caused by such neurological imbalances.
Combined Methods of Treatment
Neuro Emotional Technique uses several methods of treatment to remove blocks that prevent your body’s natural vitality. It helps me to identify and address the underlying cause of your physical and emotional symptoms, while restoring balance.
The holistic healing approach of Neuro Emotional Technique can have amazing results.
Physical and Emotional Therapies
These treatments are not just aimed at the physical aspects of the illness, but the emotional imbalances and blocks that may be causing them.
The removal of these blocks allow your body to begin the natural healing process, and begin healing. This allows your body to naturally repair itself.
Neuro Emotional Technique has been used to successfully target a variety of conditions. Ranging from chronic pain, fatigue and stress-related illnesses… …to digestive issues, sleep disorders and mental health issues.
As a Neuro Emotional Technique practitioner, I strive to help patients achieve optimal balance in body, mind and spirit, so they can be at their most glorious.
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Neuro Emotional Technique & Acupuncture
In Acupuncture, the law of five elements have been validated clinically for over 1,500 years.
It’s an understanding that certain emotions are linked to specific meridians within our bodies. Each of the elements of fire, water, wood, earth, and metal, are connected to stress/emotional responses.
- Wood is associated with frustration, anger, etc.
- Metal with sadness, grief, etc.
- Earth with hopelessness, worry, etc.
- Water with dread, fear, etc.
- Fire with vulnerability, abandonment, etc.

I use a range of modalities and treatments when using the Neuro Emotional Technique. Sometimes your treatment may involve acupuncture, sometimes not, depending on your own unique, individual needs.
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Neuro Emotional Technique: The Science of Natural Healing
Emotions are Stored in the Body
Neuro Emotional Technique works by recognizing and releasing trapped emotions from the body.
For a long time, emotions were only considered stored in the brain, as a response to interior, or exterior stimulus.
Now, we have a better understanding. We now know emotions begin physically in the body. Hormones, neuropeptides, and more, fill our body physically, all the way down to our DNA.
When emotions are stored in such a way, it can cause physical blocks, leading to chronic conditions in the body.
This emotional stress can lead to many different conditions, as your body carries the stress.
Emotional Conditioning
Humans can be conditioned to react to situations.
We can also be conditioned to respond to certain situations differently than others, both physically, and emotionally.
Throughout our lives, this emotional conditioning may be of use to us.
It may, however, also be something causing internal stress, and imbalances in the body, when the condition emotional response is no longer of use to us.
Neuro Emotional Technique helps us identify areas of our lives where we may be stuck or blocked, due to stored, unresolved emotions.
Compulsive Repetition
Once we’ve been exposed to emotional trauma, we may continue to try to repeat the experience later in life.
It’s often said, that life has a habit of repeating itself.
If you’ve had any traumatic experience early in your life (if unresolved), this can lead to you unconsciously seeking similar circumstances in your future.
We may be unaware of it, but seek out similar circumstances compulsively.
This can be why we may repetitively seek the wrong relationships, or circumstances, even dangerous ones.
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Physioligical Effects of Memory
It’s often possible for us to have a physiological response, similar to one that we experienced on our past. It’s been proven scientifically that remembering a traumatic past event can trigger certain physiological reactions.
For Example:
Imagine right now, you’re biting into a freshly cut slice of lemon; then imagine squeezing the fresh juice into your mouth.
Can you feel your mouth reacting to the sour taste?
Did your mouth pucker in response to the thought of the sour, tartness of the fruit?
Most people may also experience their mouth watering.
Your mouth watering is a physical response to the memory of tasting a lime in the past.
It’s also common that a memory of a traumatic event can trigger a physical emotional response in the body.
Have you ever felt sick to your stomach, thinking about something awful you’ve either seen, heard about, or experienced?
In the same way that when we think of something we’re afraid of, we get goosebumps, or the hair stands up on the back of our neck…
…our body reacts similarly with emotional responses, to memories of a traumatic events in our past.
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Neuro Emotional Technique: The Health Benefits
Neuro Emotional Technique has been used to treat physical pain, stress-related conditions and emotional issues that can contribute to health challenges in both adults and children.
After releasing those feelings, patients often feel a greater sense of clarity and alignment with their true self.
Neuro Emotional Technique also works on restoring balance in the body, so it can respond more effectively to changes in the surrounding environment.
Through NET, I help patients gain insight into the underlying causes of their physical and emotional symptoms, so they can begin to create a healthier, balanced life.
Neuro emotional technique is gaining popularity among those seeking a holistic approach to well-being. It’s an effective technique for improving overall wellness on many levels.
Ultimately, NET may be able provide us with greater understanding of how our thoughts and emotions affect our physical health.
Neuro Emotional Technique is a valuable tool for helping people create lasting balance and well-being in their lives.
By recognizing and treating the root cause of an issue, using several modalities of treatment, I help my patients on their journey towards optimal health and happiness, and bringing glorious balance into their lives.
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